Meet the Cast

Alexis (she/they)​
Roles: Magenta
Years on cast: 2
Favorite callback line: “I told you lady, your car won’t be ready til Tuesday”
Favorite song from the movie: Hot Patootie

Andie (they/she)​
Roles: Frank, Brad, Janet, Rocky, Magenta, Transylvanian
Years on cast: 7
Favorite callback line: "And Sue's to Blane!"
Favorite song from the movie: Sweet T

Billy (he/him)
Roles: Rocky, Transylvanian
Years on cast: 1
Favorite callback line: "How strange was it? So strange they made a movie out of it"
Favorite song from the movie: I'm Going Home

Brett (he/him)
Roles: Brad, Criminologist, Dr. Frank-N-Furter, Dr. Scott, Eddie, Magenta, Riff-Raff
Years on cast: Since Jan 2017
Favorite callback line: "We meet again 007.”
Favorite song from the movie: Science Fiction/Double Feature

Caroline (she/her/they)
Roles: Tech & Crew
Years on cast: 1
Favorite callback line: "If anything grows (It won't, he's gay!) while you pose...”
Favorite song from the movie: Over at the Frankenstein Place

Christi (she/her)
Roles: Everything except Rocky and Trixie, but Crim most recently
Years on cast: 5 cumulative but 1 year back with OBO
Favorite callback line: "On your back and through your pantyhose”
Favorite song from the movie: Eddie's Teddy

Danielle (she/her)
Roles: Trixie, Columbia, and Janet
Years on cast: 5
Favorite callback line: "My d*ck is this big and if I’m lying, may G-d strike me down.” *falls to the ground*
Favorite song from the movie: Time Warp

Eriana (she/her)
Roles: Janet
Years on cast: 0.5 years
Favorite callback line: "Janet are you a slut? And give us the weather report!"
Favorite song from the movie: All of them

Freya (she/they)
Roles: Transylvanian
Years on cast: 0.5 years
Favorite callback line: "Monsterbation..."
Favorite song from the movie: Rose Tint My World

Jess (she/they/he)
Roles: Janet, Trixie
Years on cast: 1 year
Favorite callback line: "Sleazy! Slimy! Look at your hand and say skillful!"
Favorite song from the movie: Science Fiction Double Feature

Kaiti (any pronouns)
Roles: Columbia, Transylvanian
Years on cast: Since November 2023
Favorite callback line: “Only assholes write on doors”
Favorite song from the movie: There's a Light

Macy (she/her)
Roles: Frank, Brad, Janet, Columbia and Magenta, Pre-Show Announcer
Years on cast: 6
Favorite callback line: “I ain’t got nobody! No Body!”
Favorite song from the movie: Science Fiction / Double Feature

Mark (he/him)
Roles: Crim, Dr. Scott
Years on cast: For a very long time...
Favorite callback line: "We are NEVER ready for the Floor Show"
Favorite song from the movie: I'm Going Home

Mervyn (they/them)
Roles: Eddie, Dr. Scott, Pre-Show Announcer
Years on cast: 1
Favorite callback line: "Hi Oblivion, how's the wife and kids? Your wife, my kids!"
Favorite song from the movie: Rose Tint My World/Wild and Untamed Thing/Don't Dream It Be It & I'm Going Home

Mike (he/him)
Roles: Criminologist, Transylvanian, Pre-Show Announcer, Trixie
Years on cast: 7
Favorite callback line: "I told you lady, your car won’t be ready ‘til Tuesday!"
Favorite song from the movie: Time Warp

Polychrome (they/them)
Roles: Frank, Colombia, Magenta, Trixie, Janet, Dr. Scott
Years on cast: 24 years or so
Favorite callback line: "What diabolical chicken stepped on your forehead..."
Favorite song from the movie: Sweet T

Rigby (he/him)
Roles: Rocky, Brad, Janet
Years on cast: 2
Favorite callback line: "Say hello to oblivion" "HI OBLIVION HOW THE WIFE AND KIDS, YOUR WIFE, MY KIDS"
Favorite song from the movie: Sweet T

Ross (he/him)
Roles: Brad, Columbia, Rocky, Eddie
Years on cast: 6
Favorite callback line: "Hey! I ordered black flowers!"
Favorite song from the movie: Car radio Nixon interview sound

Sarah (she/her)
Roles: Magenta, Transylvanian
Years on cast: Nov 2023
Favorite callback line: "Three more Doritos!"
Favorite song from the movie: Time Warp

Skylar Evelyn (she/her)
Roles: Janet, Brad, Dr. Scott, Columbia, Magenta
Years on cast: About 2 years, since Halloween 2022
Favorite callback line: "I'm so fucking upset!" "Well dont be upset, it was a mercy killing."
Favorite song from the movie: Touch-a

Syd (she/they/them)
Roles: Janet, Brad, Crim, Riff, Frank
Years on cast: 2 years
Favorite callback line: "Come up to the lab" "I can't cum that high!"
Favorite song from the movie: Floorshow!

Tec (he/him)
Roles: Tech
Years on cast: "Not long enough"
Favorite callback line: "Eyebrow!"
Favorite song from the movie: Riff taking over the intercom out of Brad's ass (Editor's note: is that a song?!)

Tim a.k.a. Cleatus (he/him)
Roles: Riff Raff, Rocky, and Pre-Show M.C.
(Dr. Scott, Eddie and Columbia for special shows)
Years on cast: nearly a decade
Favorite callback line: Janet: "What was that bang..." Callback line: "Kurt Cobain riding shotgun..."
Favorite song from the movie: Time Warp

Tori (she/her)
Roles: Columbia
Years on cast: one year in March!
Favorite callback line: "Holy shit, Brad smokes?!"
Favorite song from the movie: Hot Patootie